Darrick Wood Junior School


Computing at DWJS: Vision and Intent

At DWJS, our vision for a high-quality Computing education is one which prepares pupils to embrace new challenges in a world where technology is changing at an ever increasing pace. We aspire for our pupils to not just be mere consumers of digital content but also creators and innovators who produce their own digital content, either independently or collaboratively. Understanding the logic of sequencing in algorithms and debugging, which are taught in Computer Science, develop pupils’ problem solving across the curriculum. As pupils progress, their growing knowledge of how to use information technology to create a range of media should help them to understand how devices and software can enhance their learning and equip them with skills which will contribute to their future success. 

At DWJS, the safety and well-being of our pupils is paramount. Therefore, whilst acknowledging the numerous benefits technology has to offer, we promote a healthy relationship with digital devices. Lessons are planned to build pupils’ digital literacy and confidence with a range of programmes so they can express their ideas digitally and communicate with others. An integral part of this is sharing advice about good practice online, in dedicated e-safety lessons (outlined by the National Online Safety hub).  Our curriculum supports the key aims of the government’s Internet Safety Strategy (Digital Literacy / UK Council for Child Internet Safety (UKCCIS) framework) of supporting children to stay safe and make a positive contribution online, as well enabling teachers to develop effective strategies for understanding and handling online risks. This in turn, supports pupils to make informed decisions about their actions on a range of online platforms and how to stay safe online, as well as understand the risks involved.

Curriculum Overview: Implementation

We provide a rich and varied Computing curriculum that ensures the pupils have the best opportunities to achieve. At the core of computing is computer science, in which pupils are taught the principles of information and computation, how digital systems work and how to put this knowledge to use through programming. Building on this knowledge and understanding, pupils are equipped to use information technology to create programs, systems and a range of content. The second key component of our curriculum is digital literacy. Throughout their time at DWJS, children will develop skills and confidence with a range of software to express their ideas through a range of media, including films, music, artwork, text documents, spreadsheets and presentations.This provides a foundation which can be built upon further in later education so that they are prepared for the technological demands of the future workplace and everyday life. 

The third key strand of our curriculum is E-safety. We regard E-Safety as a high priority at Tubbenden, and as part of the Computing curriculum, internet safety and security is explicitly taught to pupils regularly in all year groups, as well as being a point for discussion in all Computing lessons. Safer Internet Day is celebrated annually and we regularly share advice to parents. Devices such as iPads and Chromebooks are available in every classroom and used across the curriculum to support learning in all subjects. Google Classroom is currently being established as the channel for communication with families and is exclusively used for sharing home learning. This provides pupils the opportunity to either upload a photo of their learning or make creative use of the applications available through Google to create their response to the task set. To ensure the best provision possible, we utilise the funding available to us in the most efficient way to ensure our hardware and software remains up to date and current.



We believe that our Computing curriculum will support children in becoming confident and creative users of technology, who can select and combine software and functions to express their ideas using a variety of media. Our aim when they progress to secondary school, and beyond, is that they are comfortable trying new programmes and devices and are able to draw on their foundation of knowledge and skills developed during primary school. This, alongside a resilient mindset, to tackle any problems they may encounter. Equally they will be equipped with the knowledge of how to make sensible decisions to keep themselves safe online. They will have respect for both the possible effect of their actions online and other online users so that they can develop positive online relationships in the digital world.

Online Safety

With nine in ten children going online daily, Online Safety is a huge focus here at Darrick Wood Junior School.

At every possible opportunity teachers discuss with their class how to stay safe online, with a whole school focus on Safer Internet Day in February. This day is an opportunity for the children to share how they use the Internet in their every day life and discuss the actions they can take to be happy and safe online.

As outlined in Online Safety Policy, if ever a children feels uncomfortable while online they are advised to immediately turn off their screen and report it to an adult who can investigate and record the incident. This policy is shared with the children regularly.

Further information can be found on our Online Safety page for parents.