Darrick Wood Junior School

Modern Foreign languages

Learning a language is not a destination, but a journey’     - Jean Brunet - French Poet

French at DWJS: Vision and Intent

We hope that through the learning of a modern foreign language, pupils will develop a genuine interest and positive curiosity about the wider world with a focus on other countries and their languages, finding them enjoyable and stimulating. We aim that pupils will develop a deeper understanding of other cultures and a greater awareness of the world around them. All pupils will be encouraged to explore their potential by maintaining high expectations and promoting excellence in language learning.

In addition to timetabled MFL lessons, care is taken to take advantage of other opportunities to integrate MFL into the curriculum such as registration in other languages and foreign language songs in assembly.

French Curriculum Overview: Implementation

All Key stage 2 children receive a weekly French lesson taught in mixed ability classes by a range of specialist and non-specialist teachers.  Lessons are based on the Language Angels scheme of work and have been specifically developed to meet the requirements of the National Curriculum. The scheme is based around the four key language skills of listening, reading, speaking and writing incorporating some elements of grammar. Knowledge is clearly prescribed and sequenced across each of these skills areas over time in order to support progression in learning. Further information on the National Curriculum requirements and the progression of knowledge can be found in the linked documents below.

There are either five or six units covered by each year group over the course of the school year, all covering a range of interesting and engaging topics and incorporating presentations, songs, games and interactive activities.  Each unit enables the children to hear French spoken by a native speaker as well as providing a range of learning activities and tasks which are scaffolded or extended as appropriate to ensure that at all children are supported to access the curriculum. The scheme also provides support for non-French specialists and additional in-house supporting documents have been produced to support non-specialist teachers with their subject knowledge in order to build teacher confidence. Children will progressively acquire, use and apply a growing bank of vocabulary as they work through each unit, with this progression often referred to as ‘language lego’.



In any language, the ability to communicate is the most important element. We hope that children will leave Darrick Wood Junior School not only with the requisite knowledge and skills, but also with a love of French, an interest in French culture as well as a confidence in making themselves understood.

As pupils work through the three teaching types in the Language Angels scheme, units gradually increase in terms of vocabulary, linguistic and grammatical complexity. Pupils will continually build on their previous knowledge with the language being revisited and exisiting knowledge being consolidated whenever possible.

The impact will be measured in terms of:

  • Engagement and participation of pupils within lessons
  • Observation of children speaking in French
  • Evidence of knowledge and skills in books
  • Photos and videos of activities undertaken
  • Informal self- assessment at the end of each unit
  • Final piece of work at the end of each unit
  • Awareness of French culture