Darrick Wood Junior School

Online Safety

As a school, we are acutely aware of how challenging it is for parents to keep up with the seemingly ever-changing world of online games, apps and communication.

Technology has advanced significantly over the last ten years and access to mobile devices and online content is at an unprecedented level, particularly among young people.

Whilst there are many significant benefits that these technological advances bring, there are also inherent risks and dangers and it is therefore more important than ever that parents have a clear understanding of what they can do to help keep their children safe online and when they are using a range of devices and applications. We appreciate that many parents rely on schools to keep them up to speed with what these risks might be and how to minimise them. It is more important than ever that schools and parents work in partnership to keep our children safe.

As part of our efforts to support parents in building a better understanding of this complex and challenging area, we have brought together a range of resources that they might find useful, including 'how to' guides, information packs and fact sheets. We will continue to update this resource base in an effort to provide the most up-to-date advice and guidance. Please note that whilst some of the linked content and information below relates to apps, games, services and behaviours that might not be directly aimed at/associated with junior school age children, we are aware that many of our children currently access these services and all of our children are vulnerable to being targeted maliciously online.

If you have a specific concern regarding online safety, please speak to your child's class teacher in the first instance. Alternatively, you can contact Mr Kilgour, Mr Hackin or Miss Heslop via the school office.

2 Simple Digital Parenting Guide

Online/Social Pressures

National Online Safety Guides

Internet Matters Online Safety Guides

Smart Social Guides

Smart Social App Guide for Teachers and Parents

A resource from the US-based smartsocial.com, but provides good background information on a range of popular apps. Note that the green thumbs up does not necessarily mean that an app is inherently safe - even green thumb apps need careful monitoring.