DWJS School Uniform
The children are expected to wear the school uniform, as we believe it helps to achieve high standards of appearance and to develop a sense of pride in belonging to Darrick Wood Junior School.
An acceptable standard of dress is required.
Boys | Girls |
Grey trousers or shorts White shirt or polo top Green sweater, fleece or sweatshirt Grey or white socks Black or brown shoes
Grey skirt, pinafore or trousers Green/white checked or striped dresses White shirt or polo top Green sweater, fleece, sweatshirt or cardigan Grey or white socks Black or brown shoes |
Trainers, flip-flops or high heels are not permitted.
The only jewellery that is permitted in School is stud earrings and watches.
For health and safety reasons long hair (shoulder length or longer) must be tied back at all times (girls and boys). ‘Faddish’ hairstyles, such as mohicans and clipped logos or motifs, are not considered acceptable.
PE Kit
The pupils wear their house colours for PE - either red, green, blue or yellow t-shirt and shorts, plus trainers or plimsolls.
A school tracksuit can be worn in colder weather for outside activities.
It would be helpful if each child were to be provided with a drawstring bag clearly marked with their name, which may be hung on coat hooks in the cloakrooms.
Your child's PE kit should remain in school during term time.
All items of uniform with the school logo can be purchased from Graduates in Orpington High Street, either in person or ordered via the school office or online.
The autolist folder UNIFORM does not exist or has been moved.
We provide all equipment that is necessary for your child at school, but it is helpful if they can come to school with one pencil case containing:
- An hb pencil
- A set of 12 coloured pencils
- A set of 12 good quality felt-tip pens
- A pencil sharpener
- An eraser
- A glue stick (eg ‘Pritt stick’)
Please do not send in any more than the items on the above list, as storage then becomes a problem. Pencil cases and equipment should be named, and should not be expensive.
All personal belongings are brought in at the owner’s risk, and it is the responsibility of the owners to look after their property. The children are taught to be independent and take responsibility at school, therefore class teachers are not expected to spend time resolving problems related to missing pencils, etc.
Please avoid sending your child in with a backpack, as these tend to clutter up the cloakrooms. The children should keep a drawstring PE bag at school on their peg, and therefore only need to carry a book bag and packed lunch box to school each morning.
Please ensure that all clothing is labelled with your child's name. Unidentified property is kept in the School "Lost Property" bin. Lost property items are displayed at least once each term. After each display we dispose of any unclaimed property.
Mobile phones are not permitted.
The school Governors, staff and Bromley Education Authority cannot be held responsible for any damage to, or loss of personal belongings, no matter how this should occur.